Christian Education Awareness Network (CEANet)


Est. Feb. 1997



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A Question for Parents and Pastors to Consider:

When It Comes to K-thru-12 Education,
Why Are So Many Christian Children
Instructed by the World Instead of Christ?

Statements to Ponder:

Compulsory Funding and Attendance is a Goverment
Establishment of Religion (Humanism) ! — James Boyes

"It is error alone which needs the support of government.  Truth
can stand by itself." -- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782.

 “Competition is enormously important, because human beings are so fallible.

If you insulate people from paying the price of being wrong,

you’re going to get a lot of wrong things done.” —Thomas Sowell


"In proportion as you give the state power to do things for you,

you give it power to do things to you." — Albert Jay Knock


Darkness has spread far and wide because we have allowed

too many educators to proselytize students toward the left,

at the expense of what is true and right. -- James Boyes

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This Page Last Updated On July 15, 2024

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The Christian Education Awareness Network (CEANet) is a website which provides articles, essays, and other related sources that demonstrate a need to restore education as a parental/Church ministry. Here is a short list of some of the areas under examination:

Click Here to Access CEANet's Worldview Foundational Tenets

Click Here to Access CEANet’s Statement of Faith (pdf)

The following essay appeared as a CEANet post, and provides a theme of the materials and resources advocated by CEANet.

Restoration of Education:

The Role of Parents and

the Body of Christ

by James Boyes, Host
Christian Education Awareness Network (CEANet) 

To Access This Essay, Click Here ==> RESTORATION

Check Out These Links!!

Click Here to Visit Related Links!!==> Click Here for CEANet Links Page

 Click Here to Visit > CEANet Creation Related Links

Click Here to Visit > CEANet Homeschool-Related Links

Click Here to Access > CEANet Host Editorials

Click Here to Access > Concerning the Education of Christian Children (pdf)



Click Here for > Recommended Books and Videos

Top Leaders: Parents Must Get Children Out of Public School (pdf)

Over A Century Of Corrupting American Education



Public School Exit


Save Our Children from Public Schools


Related Video Presentations


Christian Education Initiative


What is Critical Race Theory (CRT)?


Prager U


Rescuing Our Children


Who Owns Your Children?

(The Dangers of Government as Parent)


The Great Education Forum of 2015


The Indoctrination in Public Schools - 

The Call to Dunkirk


IndoctriNation Movie - 

FREE Version


The Case Against Common Core



Other Links of Interest

CEANet Promo Bulletin Inserts and Flyers Page

Christian Education Initiative Launch (PDF)

“Not Far Away” by Dr. Christian Overman

Christian Education vs. Public School

Christian Education Initiative (CEI)

Critical Race Theory:

What It Is and How to Fight It

Critical Race Training in Education

The Death of Free Will (PDF)

Atheists Understand the Importance of Education (Why can't our Pastors?)

IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America

Teaching Americans to Despise America

Global Warming and Climate Change Links

Homeschooling for Eternity

The Harsh Truth About Public Schools

Let My Children Go

Pastors Taking Cover Pamphlet (PDF file*)

Christian Worldview Instruction, Testing and Grading

The Snare of College Accreditation

Hillsdale College K-12 Classical Education 

Evolution and the Judiciary (PDF File*)

Stop World Control

Refuting Compromise

Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using

Government Schools to Destroy America's Children

Rescue Your Child

Homeschool Wisdom and Research Resources

"Get the Kids Out" (PDF File*)

Southern Baptist Convention Education Resolutions

We Are Losing Our Children (PDF file*)

Why Christians Should Not Support Government Schools (PDF file*)

Why I Went to SepCon 2004 (PDF file*)

 The Christian Church and IRS Section 501(c)3 (PDF File*)

Education Articles by Linda Schrock Taylor

Sex Education in the Public Schools (PDF File*)

Teachers, Curriculum, Control:
A "World" of Difference in Public and Private Schools

Click here to access "WARNING Public Schools Aren't for Christians!"

Click this link below to read Richard "Little Bear" Wheeler's essay:

WARNING! Public Schools Aren't for Christians!

Click Here to Access ==> Richard "Little Bear" Wheeler's Mantle Ministries YouTubes



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Christian Education Awareness Network (CEANet)

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Isaiah 40:31

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